Sex, drugs and meditation : a memoir / Women Meditation. Drug addicts

Stephens, Mary-Louise,

Sex, drugs and meditation : a memoir / Mary-Louise Stephens. - 275 pages ; 23 cm.

BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY. AUSTRALIAN. Miraculously, Mary-Lou Stevens has just made it into her forties. With the aid of therapy and NA/AA she has overcome a tricky childhood (youngest of six kids, evangelical parents); drama school; drug and alcohol addiction; the lure of rock and roll; and her spectacularly poor taste in men. She has landed a dream job as a broadcaster for the ABC. Life is looking good. Except that Mary-Lou has a new boss, a psychopath in a suit, a harridan in high heels. Determined to avoid MORE therapy, and desperate to cope with an increasingly toxic work environment, Mary-Lou signs up for a ten-day meditation retreat that requires total silence, endless hours of sitting cross-legged, and a food-as-fuel kind of a diet (i.e. basic). For a woman who talks for a living, is rarely still and cooks for comfort, this was never going to be an easy ask.

9781742610177 (pbk.)

Stephens, Mary-Louise.

Women--Conduct of life.
Drug addicts--Biography.
Drug addicts--Rehabilitation.
