The family doctor / Australian fiction. Suburban life Grief Family violence Women physicians Female friendship

Oswald, Debra,

The family doctor / Debra Oswald. - Crows Nest, NSW : Allen & Unwin, 2021. - 359 pages ; 24 cm.

"Must she take a life to save a life?" -- Cover.

Paula is a dedicated suburban GP, who is devastated by the murder of a friend and her children by their estranged husband and father. Stacey and the children had been staying with her after fleeing his control, and Paula is haunted by the thought that she couldn't protect them when they most needed it. How had she missed the warning signs? How had she failed to keep them safe? Not long after, a patient with suspicious injuries brings her anxious young son into Paula's surgery. The woman admits that her husband hurts her, but she's terrified to leave for fear of escalating the violence, and defeated by the consistent failures of the law to help her. Can Paula go against everything she believes to make sure one woman is saved, one child spared? She isn't motivated by revenge. She's desperately trying to prevent a tragedy . . .


Australian fiction.
Suburban life--Australia--Fiction.
Family violence--Fiction.
Women physicians--Fiction.
Female friendship--Fiction.

Psychological fiction.
Psychological fiction.
Thrillers (Fiction).
Australian fiction
