Italy ever after / Women journalists Divorced women Music teachers Man-woman relationships

Mack, Leonie,

Italy ever after / Leonie Mack. - Large print edition. - 513 pages (large print) ; 24 cm.

TV journalist Lou feels battered and bruised after her divorce from Phil, the father of her daughter Edie. Her confidence and sense of fun have steadily been drained away, and she isn't sure who she is any more. When the opportunity arises to accompany Edie on a music camp in Italy for a month in the summer, Lou jumps at the chance for new adventures, new horizons and new friends. The hazy warmth of the summer sun, shining brightly over the stunning Lake Garda, slowly brings Lou back to life. Nick Romano, Edie's music teacher, loves being home in Italy, but coaching his students for their concert in Milan, is bringing back difficult memories. His blossoming friendship with Lou is the perfect distraction, although a summer fling would be easier to conduct without the scrutiny of his mother Greta, not to mention the interference of his extended Italian family. As the summer passes, full of sunshine and breath-taking scenery, gelato and delicious feasts, Lou and Nick get ever closer. But as the time for farewell creeps up on them, will they be able to say goodbye and leave their memories behind in the Italian sun, or can a summer romance last a lifetime?

9781800481268 1800481268

Women journalists--Fiction.
Divorced women--Fiction.
Music teachers--Fiction.
Man-woman relationships--Fiction.


Large type books.