The accidental spy Feature films. Action and adventure films. Bank robberies

The accidental spy [videorecording]. - South Yarra, Vic. : Buena Vista Home Entertainment [distributor], [2013]. - 1 videodisc (DVD)(ca. 83 min.) : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in.

Buena Vista Home Entertainment: E12540. Catalogued from the container inlay.

Music by Peter Kam; editor: Kong Chi Leung; written by Ivy Ho; producer: jackie Chan; director: Teddy Chen. Music by Peter Kam; editor: Kong Chi Leung; written by Ivy Ho; producer: jackie Chan; director: Teddy Chen.

Jackie Chan, Eric Tsang, Vivian Hsu ... [et al.]

Internationally-acclaimed star Jackie Chan is Bei, a less-than-successful exercise equipment salesman who yearns for excitement in his life. One day, Bei follows his instincts and trails two-suspicious-looking men into action and foils their plans. The resulting publicity from Bei's heroism brings him to the attention of a private investigator who informs him that he is actually the long-lost son of a wealthy businessman. Hoping to reunite with his true family, Bei travels to Korea where his father lies dying. Bei finds, to his astonishment, that both his parents lived the life he has longed for himself: they were both professional spies. Drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse where no one can be trusted, Bei travels to Turkey, where soon it's up to him to track down a new, highly addictive narcotic before it ends up in the hands of evil drug lords.

Censorship classification: M.

DVD region 4; colour recording system: PAL.


E12540 Buena Vista Home Entertainment

Feature films.
Action and adventure films.
Bank robberies--Drama.
