Summer love / Romance fiction. Romance fiction, Australian. Man-woman relationships Australian fiction. Romance

Purman, Victoria,

Summer love / Victoria Purman; Jenny Schwartz; Lea Darragh. - First Australian paperback edition. - Sydney, NSW : Harlequin Mira, an imprint of Harlequin Enterprises (Australia) Pty Ltd, 2017. - 722 pages ; 24 cm.

"3-in-1 Australian bestsellers" --Cover.

Our kind of love / Kiss it better / This love / Victoria Purman Jenny Schwartz Lea Darragh ©2014 -- ©2014 -- ©2016.

"Our Kind Of Love / Victoria Purman": Dr Anna Morelli rarely makes mistakes. But this one is big, bordering on huge. Somewhere between sunset and sunrise at the simple beachside wedding of two old friends, she's cried in the ladies bathroom, danced to too many ABBA songs and survived the best, knock-your-socks-off one night stand in recorded history. Has she gone crazy? She's supposed to be running from the disasters in her life, not creating more. Award winning journalist Joe Blake is back in Middle Point to lick his wounds after being dumped by his wife and sacked from his Sydney job on the same day. But after one incredible night with Anna, he finds he'll need all his investigative skills to figure out why she won't give in to their sizzling chemistry. "Kiss It Better / Jenny Schwartz": All Cassie Freedom wants to do is save the world. But her dream of nursing in Africa is shattered, and she returns home to Jardin Bay, where she is surrounded by reminders of her broken dreams. Dr. Theo Morrigan knows exactly how he wants to live his life -- until an old secret resurfaces and rocks his whole world. Suddenly, the man who needed no one needs a broken-hearted nurse, and a nurse who thinks she's lost herself will start to find her own strength. "This Love / Lea Darragh": Eighteen months ago Emmy was devastated when her fiance, Ethan, was killed by a speeding driver on the way to their wedding. She has only just started to put her life back to together in the quiet coastal town of Cobbler's Cove. Then she meets Jack Archer--the new chef at the restaurant she is working at. When Emmy finds herself falling for Jack, she begins to question her love for Ethan. Tortured by the past and scared of the future, does she have the strength to move on?



Romance fiction.
Romance fiction, Australian.
Man-woman relationships--Fiction.
Australian fiction.


Romance fiction
Romance fiction
Romance fiction.
