Top of the lake Missing children. Pregnant teenagers. Television series. Video recordings for the hearing impaired. Missing children Pregnant teenagers Mystery television programs. Television mini-series

Top of the lake [videorecording]. - DVD MA15+ - Australia : Paramount Pictures [Distributor], 2013. - 2 videodiscs (DVD)(344 min.) : sd., col. ; 12 cm.

Originally broadcast as single episodes of a television program. Special features: Cast Interview, Love talk at LakeTop and Behind the scene.

Adult borrowing only.

Writer and director, Jane Campion. Writer and director, Jane Campion.

Holly Hunter, Peter Mullan, David Wenham, Elisabeth Moss, Cohen Holloway.

A pregnant 12 year-old girl who won't reveal who the father is, walks chest deep into the freezing waters of a New Zealand lake and disappears. Robin Griffin is called in to investigate and becomes more and more obsessed. As she searches, she slowly begins to realize that finding the girl is tantamount to finding herself, a self she has kept well hidden. A powerful and haunting story about our search for happiness, where the dream of paradise attracts its dark twin, the fall.

Rating MA 15+

DVD, Region 4, widescreen (16:9) presentation; stereo 2.0.

Subtitled for the deaf and hard of hearing.


DVD9394 Paramount

Missing children.
Pregnant teenagers.
Television series.
Video recordings for the hearing impaired.
Missing children--Drama.
Pregnant teenagers--Drama.
Mystery television programs.
Television mini-series--New Zealand--DVD.
Missing children--New Zealand--Drama.
Pregnant teenagers--New Zealand--Drama.

New Zealand.

DVD collection
Television series.
Video recordings for the hearing impaired.
Video recordings for the hearing impaired.
Television series.
Mystery television programs--DVD
