The secret of the silk dress / Best friends Girls Dresses Theft

Harrison, Paula,

The secret of the silk dress / Paula Harrison ; inside illustrations, Michelle Ouellette. - 127 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm. - Tiara friends ; [2] . - Harrison, Paula, Tiara friends ; 2. .

Best friends Millie and Jess look just like twins! Millie is a princess and Jess is a maid so they have lots of fun swapping dresses and going on adventures around Peveril Palace. When Millie's snooty cousins come to stay, a silk dress goes missing. Can Millie and Jess work out who took it, before the wrong person gets the blame?

Primary school age.

9781407174303 9781407170787

Best friends--Juvenile fiction.
Girls--Juvenile fiction.
Dresses--Juvenile fiction.
Theft--Juvenile fiction.
