Octonauts. The great penguin race. Divers Diving Marine animals Animated television programs

Octonauts. The great penguin race. The great penguin race. - Australia : Australian Broadcasting Corporation, c2013. - 1 DVD-video (DVD) (77 min.) : sound, colour ; 12 cm. - ABC for kids . - ABC for kids .

"R-113625-9" Extras : Learn more about marine life in the 7 creature reports! Catalogued from container.

The Marine Iguanas -- The Dwarf Lanternshark -- The Pirate Parrotfish -- The Electric Torpedo Rays -- The Crafty Cuttlefish -- Special: The Great Penguin Race.

Equipped with a fleet of aquatic vehicles, the Octonauts rescue amazing sea creatures, explore incredible underwater worlds, and often save the day before returning safely to their home base, the Octopod. In these episodes Peso returns home to compete in the Iron Clam Competition, the Octonauts prepare for their annual seaweed feast, and Kwazii finds the perfect sidekick.

Classification : G.

DVD video, Dolby digital 2.0, PAL, Region 4, aspect ratio 16:9.

English. No subtitles.


R-113625-9 Roadshow Entertainment

Divers--Juvenile drama.
Diving--Juvenile drama.
Marine animals--Juvenile drama.
Animated television programs--Children's television programs.

Children's television programs.
Animated television programs.