The footy lady : the trailblazing story of Susan Alberti / Businesswomen Women philanthropists Australian football Women football players

Asher, Stephanie,

The footy lady : the trailblazing story of Susan Alberti / Trailblazing story of Susan Alberti. Stephanie Asher. - EasyRead large edition. - vii, 303 pages (large print) : illustrations, portraits ; 25 cm. - Read how you want 16. . - Read how you want 16. .

Includes index. Optimized reading formats. Set in 16 pt. Plantin. Copyright page from the original book.

No tragedy, no challenge, has proved too hard for Susan Alberti. The woman from the working-class suburbs has battled boardrooms, courts, lymphoma and adult diabetes; and was one of the driving forces behind the AFL's move into women's football. When her first husband was killed by a truck, Susan took over their construction business, becoming a female pioneer in the building industry. When her daughter was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes she embarked on a mission to find a cure. When her beloved football club the Western Bulldogs was threatened with annihilation she worked as vice-president to bring home the 2016 premiership flag. Confronted with the exclusion of women from AFL, she battled to open the game to all and kept up the fight with money and on-ground support when others were ready to signal defeat. This is a story of passion, generosity and a woman who will inspire you to take on the seemingly impossible and triumph.

9781525271137 (paperback)

Alberti, Susan.

Australian Football League--Biography.
Western Bulldogs (Football team)--Biography.

Women philanthropists--Australia--Biography.
Australian football--Biography.
Women football players--History.--Australia

Large type books.