All natural beauty : organic & homemade beauty products / Beauty, Personal. Herbal cosmetics. Cosmetics. Face Skin

Berndl, Karin,

All natural beauty : organic & homemade beauty products / Karin Berndl & Nici Hofer. - 111 pages : colour illustrations ; 22 cm.

Includes indexes.

Over 40 natural, organic beauty treatments and products to make at home. From dull skin to drab hair and tired eyes, the traditional recipes in this book can change a multitude of little beauty niggles, and each of the treatments is free from nasty paraffins, synthetic colors, and Triclosan -- and they can be made at a fraction of the cost of store-bought products. From a nourishing lip balm that will soften your lips, to a chickpea and turmeric face mask, which will make your skin glow, to a shea butter varicose vein body butter, there's something for everyone. Also included are shampoo, make-up remover, toner, and more. These homemade beauties also make the perfect gift so Karin and Nici also offer tips on how to package your products.


Beauty, Personal.
Herbal cosmetics.
Face--Care and hygiene.
Skin--Care and hygiene.
