Figgy in the world / Grandmothers Ghanaians Families Children's stories.

Janu, Tamsin,

Figgy in the world / Tamsin Janu. - 183 pages ; 20 cm.

Figgy has two problems. One is her name. Nobody in Ghana has that name. The other is that her grandmother is ill and needs special medicine. Figgy cant do much about her name, but she can do something for Grandma Ama. She will go to America and bring back the medicine, and Kwame, her special goat, will go with her. Out in the wide world she will meet some bad people, but she will also find good friends.

For primary school age.

9781742990453 1742990452

Grandmothers--Juvenile fiction.
Ghanaians--Juvenile fiction.
Families--Ghana--Juvenile fiction.
Children's stories.
