Void moon / Suspense fiction. Antiheroes Thieves Twenty-first century Thriller

Connelly, Michael, 1956-

Void moon / Michael Connelly. - London : Orion, 2000. - 391 p.

Cassie Black thought she'd left her old life robbing casino gamblers well and truly behind. But then she is tempted by a set-up that looks too good to miss. And it is. Far too good. The target is carrying so much money it can only mean someone very powerful must be very angry indeed. Cassie soon finds herself on the run from a killer who seems to know her every move in advance. Even worse, the killer is closing in on Cassie's most closely guarded secret, the one thing that could have caused her to return to crime. The one thing she will do anything to protect.

9781742371689 0752825747

Suspense fiction.
Thieves--Nevada--Las Vegas--Fiction.
Twenty-first century--Fiction.

Thrillers (Fiction).