Stranded in a snowstorm /

Wozniak, Paul,

Stranded in a snowstorm / a novel by Paul Wozniak ; artwork by Michael Webber. - vii, 73 pages : colour illustrations ; 23 cm.

Think that heading out into the Colorado forest in 60 degree weather in May is totally safe? Think again. As Nico and his baby sitter Hannah quickly learn, Mother Nature can turn on a dime, and when she does, she dumps so much snow on them that they can't find their way out of what should have been a simple overnight backpacking trip. Trek along with these two as an unexpected snowstorm teaches them just how much wilderness savvy they have. It's not enough. They need more. See how their rescuer uses 21st century technology along with timeless backcountry smarts to try to find his friends. And, experience how Nico, our 12 year old hero, comes to understand that sometimes misbehaving isn't as bad as some adults make it out to be.

9781630471736 9781630471750 9781630471743

Survival--Juvenile fiction.
Blizzards--Juvenile fiction.

Colorado--Juvenile fiction.

Adventure fiction.