Darkfall / Horror tales.

Koontz, Dean R. 1945-

Darkfall / Dark fall. Dean Koontz. - Berkley trade pbk. ed. - New York : Berkley Books, 2014, c1984. - 356 p. ; 23 cm.

Originally published: W.M. Allen, 1984. "Includes an afterword by the author" --Cover.

ADVENTURE / THRILLER. Winter gripped the city. Terror gripped it, too. They found four corpses in four days, each more hideous than the last. At first the cops thought they were dealing with a psychopath. But soon they heard eerie sounds in the ventilation system--and saw unearthly silver eyes in the snow-slashed night. In a city paralyzed by a blizzard, something watches, something stalks...

9780425253793 (pbk.) : 0425214591 (pbk.)

Horror tales.

Horror fiction.
Suspense fiction.