Edgar, Bill, 1942-,

NORTHAM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1921 - 2021 A Century of Acheivement and Change. - East Perth Tammar Publications. 2022 - 124 pages

ACHIEVEMENT: During the course of its 100 years existence (1921-2021), Northam Senior High School has influenced many notable students - academics such as Rhodes Scholars, Jerry Ellis and Bill Pearson, international sports persons (Shirley Strickland and John Rutherford), renowned conservationists (Harry Butler and Barbara York Main), war heroes (Gus Belford DSO and Ken Christmas DCM) and influential politicians such as Ken McIver and Norman Moore.

These notables aside, a large proportion of those who have been through the portals of this institution have been positively influenced by it. The school was first founded to serve the youngsters of the wheatbelt regions who had formerly not had the facility for high school education. For many, the time at Northam Senior High School proved a launching pad to further education, worthwhile careers and lives as caring, contributing citizens throughout the state and beyond CHANGE: However recent years of the school's efficacy as a vital and positive educational provider has faced a range of challenges. The world has changed; Northam Senor High School has changed.

Many small wheatbelt towns have all but disappeared; businesses have died; the digital revolution has connected us internationally but close social and cultural connections seem to be dissipating. Northam Senor High School has not escaped some of the ravages of this new age. What does the future hold?

With editorial assistance from these members of the NSHS Alumni:
Robin Clarke, Glenda Martinick (Holland), Raelenn Mason (Martin), Pat Leuba (Northey), Norman Moore and Lynne Sierociak (Angus)

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this work are not necessarily those of any member of the NSHS Alumni.

Annotation. Cataloguing the history of Northam Senior High School since it first opened its doors on 28 October 1921 and the many changes that took place between the World Wars, during World War II, to it s re-generation after the 1939-45 conflict, and on through to the advent of world-wide web in the 1990s and early 2000s and the ramifications of the digital age for education during that time.

9780959396485 0959396489 (Trade Paper) : AUD 30.00 Retail Price (Publisher) : $9Active Record