Lindsay, Patrick,

Be your best self : 170 ways to lift your spirits / Be your best self : 170 ways to be the best you can Patrick Lindsay. - 171 pages ; 18 cm.

Previously published as "Make the most of you" (North Sydney, NSW : Lime Tree Books, 2013) and "High hopes" (North Sydney, NSW : Lime Tree Books, 2014).

Some people don't like change... unfortunately, change couldn't care less! Most of us live our lives on fast-forward in a world of constant change. This book gives us a chance to put our lives on pause and to reflect -- about where we've come from and where we're headed. It shows that it's never too late to live the life we've always wanted or to be the person we've always wanted to be. In its gentle way, "Be your best self" asks some deep questions: Who are you? Where are you headed? What could you yet be? What holds you back? If we're honest, for most of us the answer to the last question is fear: fear of failure or of pushing through our boundaries. When we realise our boundaries are usually illusions, we can set ourselves free. We can open our minds, rekindle our passions and chase our dreams. And make the most of ourselves.


Self-actualization (Psychology)
