Woolf, Alex, 1964- ,

The disappearance of Danny Doyle / Alex Woolf. - 86 pages ; 20 cm. - The time detectives. . - The time detectives. .

"Come on, cuz! Let's go in." Without waiting for Joe to answer, Maya pushed open the door and entered the old, tumbledown house. The hallway was dim, the air stuffy and filled with tiny specks of dust that sparkled as they floated through the sunlight streaming in from behind her. A rickety-looking staircase curved upwards into shadow. "We should leave," said Joe, still loitering at the doorway. "There might be someone living here." "No way!" said Maya. "Who would live in an old dump like this in the middle of a wood?" She turned and stared at him accusingly. "I can't believe I've been down here in deepest, darkest Dorset for two whole weeks, bored out of my mind, and only now do you think to show me this place." Joe looked deflated, and Maya thought she might have been a bit hard on him. She grinned and did a twirl, making the floorboards creak beneath her. "Better late than never, though, eh? It's wicked, Joe!". Ages 9+